Thursday, August 03, 2006

In Our Prayers: August 4, 2006

In Our Prayers This Week:

During our Daily Offices and mid-week worship, we will remember these concerns, people and ministries. We ask you to include them in your prayers this week.

Pray for the Anglican Communion, especially Rowan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Frank, our Presiding Bishop, Katharine, our Presiding Bishop Elect and the clergy and people of the Episcopal Church in the Rwanda.

Pray for the Diocese of Bethlehem, especially Paul, our Bishop, and Episcopal Housing for the Elderly of Allentown, Reading and the Slate Belt.

Pray for our partner diocese of Kajo-Keji in the Episcopal Church of the Sudan, especially the congregation at Lema and our adopted school, Loopo Primary School.

Pray for those who hold us in their prayers, especially Br. Chad-Anselm, Companions of St. Luke, OSB.

Pray for our nation and all in authority: George our president, Ed our governor, and all in positions of public trust.

Pray for those who serve our country in the armed forces at home and abroad, especially Rob Caplette, Will McCabe, Chris Motsek, Joshua Orndorff and Paul Cataldi.

Pray for peace and an end to war, Pray for peace and for the victims of the conflict in Israel and Lebanon. Pray also for peace in Iraq, Afghanistan. Remember those who have been killed, wounded and displaced in war. Pray for all who work for peace and all refugees, prisoners and all who are in danger.

Pray for our congregation, especially: James & Palma Hess; Marcia Hobart; Brian, Kelly, Nicholas & Ryan Holmes; Bill & Cheryl Horn; Lisa, Scottie & Addie Howland; Erma Hughes; Stanley * Philomena Hughes and Trudy Hunter.

Pray for our congregations’ several ministries, especially our lay leaders, clergy and staff; Acolytes, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and our Mission of the Month: Aids Outreach.

Pray for the sick, those in special need and those who care for them: Ginna Kogler, Kathleen Caporicci, Connie Doran, Rebecca Gibbs, Joe Godfrey, Mim Conine, Bethany Morrison, Kathy Counterman, Alfred Youtz, Sr., Charles Potocek, Steve Sandy, Doris Pierce, Stephanie Reichert, Mary Burpee, Donna McLaughlin, Donna Evans, Scott Jackson, Joseph Assisse, Bobby Bushmon, Joey Reichert, Nick Mutascio, Hazel Kogler, Barbara Eastman, Ann Louise, Angela, Harry, Shirley, Ray, Lois, Nikki Boyer, Larry Flannagan and Alexis Lockard.

Pray for the homebound and shut-in: Winifred McCluskey, Trudy Hunter, Bob & Phoebe Deck, Evelyn Galarza, Marcia Hobart, Bertha Long, Carol Jones, Mary Yocum, Jim Kenyon, Emily Gerrish, Burroughs Gill, Elsie Kline and Nevin Seip.

Pray for those who have died: Charles & Helen Langner (in whose memory the altar flowers have been given) Kenneth Kohler and Joseph P. Corona, Sr. (for whom the Sanctuary Lamp burns).

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